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Ethics and Risk Management During COVID-19

Four pieces of ethical advice for practitioners during COVID-19, from APA: https://www.apaservices.org/practice/news/ethical-advice-practitioners-covid-19

FAQs about Telehealth from The Trust: https://parma.trustinsurance.com/Portals/0/documents/FAQ-Telepsychology-1-2.pdf

FAQs about Telehealth from American Professional Agency Risk Management 3/18/20: https://nhpsychology.org/resources/Documents/Liability%20Insurance%20Response.pdf

Sample Informed Consent forms:

Guidance for Practitioners from The Trust: https://parma.trustinsurance.com/Resources/Articles/guidance-for-practitionerscoronavirus-covid-19

Resources/On Demand/Live CE opportunities from The Trust: https://nhpsychology.org/resources/Documents/The%20TRUST%20resources.pdf

Keeping the Office Going: Ethical and Legal Telehealth Practices for the Provider and Staff. On-demand webinar from APA: https://apa.content.online/catalog/product.xhtml?eid=18936

National Register Seminar: A Practical Guide to Providing Telepsychology with Minimal Risk: https://www.nationalregister.org/npc-telepsych-video/

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