Ways You Can Help NHPA Stay Strong

Make a donation (one time, monthly, quarterly, semi annually, annually)- some examples are:

    • $12/month-  Helps us to keep membership dues the same. 

    • $25/year- Buys two books of postage stamps or sponsors a student membership to NHPA

    • $120/year- Pays for NHPA telephone expenses or toner for our printers

    • $250/year- Pays for NHPA professional dues to APA and NH Center For Nonprofits

    • $800/year- Funds all NHPA office supplies for the year

    • $2,000/year- Funds the NHPA website expenses for the year

    • Can't afford a donation but want to donate your time or talents?  Click here to see how.  

    • Not a member?  Become one by clicking here!

Want to make a donation in honor or memory of someone?  Sponsor a student member? Let us know in the comment field below.  Also, please use the comment field to let us know if you prefer to remain anonymous. We love thanking our donors and want to respect your privacy if that is your choice.  Thank you for donating!  

Donations are not considered a charitable deduction, however, for FY 2023-2024, 93% of your donation can be utilized as a business related expense, to the extent that the law allows. From July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024, 7% of our budget is spent on lobbying and therefore cannot be counted.  

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*Last name
*Business Address
Business Address 2
*Business City
*Business Zip
ENABLE text message alert feature for NHPA members
By clicking this button, NHPA will be able to send you relevant text messages. This feature will only be used occasionally and for timely issues only, as we fear many emails end up in spam/junk folders.
*Amount ($USD)
 Payment frequency

New Hampshire Psychological Association

PO Box 566     |   Weare, NH 03281 

Phone- 603-415-0451

Privacy Policy

New Hampshire Psychological Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. New Hampshire Psychological Association maintains responsibility for the programs and content of all continuing education events.

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